Digital Based Business Commerce or also known as business is an activity of buying and selling goods and services with the aim of making a profit. In economics, business is an organization that sells/produces goods or services to consumers or other businesses, for profit or profit. Broadly digital itself has the meaning of a description of a number state consisting of the numbers 0 and 1, or off and on (binary numbers or also known as two-digit based numbering terms). Digital describes an electronic technology that generates, stores, and processes data in two conditions, positive and non-positive.
Business activities that utilize, are engage in technology
in the process, both when creating and with a series of marketing activities. Businesses engage in this field include the provision of goods and services, changes from a physical type as well as various businesses that can be carrie out online. In this digital business, we can make new innovations or create existing ones, whatever we market in this digital field can make the business or goods we produce spread widely.
Given that in this era almost all people are involve in digital development whether it’s children or parents. Indonesia needs or lacks a lot of digital talent, what is neede is not only users but creators, something related to digitalization. We are also third parties who must or take advantage whether it’s from the government from start-up actors or others. We also need security for our business to avoid loss or loss of profits that are not optimal, just like a pinch of cyber, we must be able to secure personal data to avoid irresponsible people, like hackers.
Digital Business
There are many ways to do business in the digital world, there are some that we often see without even realizing it and even we are involve in it. So that the business that we are going to run or do can run according to the market and targets, first get to know the types of types and the methods and strategies for implementing them. There are many opportunities and gaps that can be carrie out by looking at the passion we have, for example:
The first is the Online Shop
which is creating/opening a business or selling a product. It no longer requires large costs, including the initial capital for renting a place. Because by utilizing the devices or platforms that are on the computers, laptops or smartphones that we have, we can immediately try the business.
All we need to do is upload a photo or video accompanied by a description and product to an online shop or marketplace account. While the second is Providing Services, there are now many institutions that take advantage of digital-based business opportunities so that this generates huge profits. This startup provides services for every consumer need. For example:
Online motorcycle taxis, if in the past it was difficult and expensive for us to find motorcycle taxis or transportation that could take us to our destination, it was very difficult because we had to find a motorcycle taxi post or base. Now you don’t have to bother looking, we just have to use the application available on the smartphone.
Later the driver will come or pick up according to our wishes.
The challenges of becoming a business actor operating in a digital or electronic world, here are some of the challenges of being a digital business actor: digital talent, funding, e-commerce taxes, digital literacy, logistics, cyber security, infrastructure. This digital business is not difficult and limited because almost all people in Indonesia and even the world have smartphones.
Which means we can use business opportunities operating in the digital field to restore the family economy and even the country. Use our smartphones to be able to bring us into big changes, we can work smart by using existing technology and indirectly we also support technological developments.