1. Increases Brand Awareness
Given that video content attracts internet users more than any other kind of content in the world of marketing, you can be sure that getting your content right can be beneficial to your business. Once you’ve coupled the right video content with an effective marketing strategy, you can be sure that more people will discover your brand.
2. Ensure online presence
It’s important to ensure that your brand has a noticeable online presence, taking into consideration that the internet is a powerful tool that brings customers and buyers together. Good video content gives your small business an online presence and puts it in the right position to succeed.
3. Can help educate and inform
Your products or services are not the only things that are important to your customers: information is also beneficial in amazing ways. By educating your prospective buyers and giving them information that is meaningful to them, you can make them feel convinced to make a purchase without having to persuade them directly.
4. Help spread the word on a budget
Gone are the good old days, when making a video would have required you to dig so deep into your pocket to ensure that your content comes out the right way. These days, there are lots of affordable tools, as well as video editing services and solutions that make it easier for small business owners to reach their consumers using videos without having to break the bank.
5. Build trust
You more than likely already know that trust is the foundation for a successful business. You cannot expect to have more customers buying from you if they are not confident in your brand. While blog posts and social media posts will allow you to interact and connect with your customers, they may not be as effective as video content. With videos, your audience or customers get to know and like you more.
6. Improve rankings
Creating good videos gets people to visit your site more often. You know what that means to Google, right? Exactly. Your content will make people spend more of their browsing time on your site, which translates to better rankings.
7. Easier to share on different platforms
You can’t share a blog post without using links on social media, but you can share a video. If you posted a video that tries to lead people to your site and tried the same with a link to a blog post that is still on your site, you would get more response with the video compared to the blog post link. That takes us back to the fact that people love video content more and find it easier to share.
8. It gives your brand an updated look
It’s natural for us humans to love the better, updated version of something. That’s why you would buy a new iPhone even though you have another iPhone from the previous year. Knowing this, it makes a lot of sense to use video content as a way of making your brand look modern? Besides, video marketing is the new kid on the marketing block and can be beneficial to your small business in unimaginable ways.
9. Reach different demographic groups
Unlike conventional marketing methods, video marketing has revolutionized the world of marketing by making it possible to reach different demographic groups with a lot of ease. Other marketing methods, for example, require you to know more about the behavior of your target age demographic and then make content that is tailor-made for them. Video content, on the other hand, reaches a wider age demographic since both young and old love videos.
10. Engage with mobile users
The majority of internet users have switched to mobile browsing from desktop browsing. With more mobile users compared to desktop users, you should be interested in video marketing because it makes it easier to reach a wider market: mobile users. That’s in consideration that mobile users have been proved to have a greater attention span to video content compared to desktop users. Targeting the wider market as a small business puts your business in the limelight and makes it possible for it to grow in the long run.
In summary,
Video marketing is simply not a hype that will disappear after some time – it’s here with us and it’s here to stay. The sooner you make use of video marketing to boost your small business, the better for you. It goes without saying that for video marketing to work for your business, you have to create videos with good content. With a good video marketing strategy and the will to succeed, you can watch your business grow from the small business category to become a giant in your field.
Paul Collins is a very successful businessman and diversed into many things throughout his career, As Business Development and Marketing Manager, Paul managed all aspects of controlling over 100 retail units in the U.K.
Very much involved with Franchising and Business opportunities, always willing to help and advise, Paul has helped many people on the road to starting their own businesses.
Paul has also owned and run successful retail units, franchises and printing Companies.
Paul is an expert on internet and video marketing and promotion.